A Letter to my Grandson on his 3rd Birthday

Dear Elias,

It has been 3 years since I first met you. What a journey you’ve traveled thus far. Through the NICU stay in Tulsa for 116 days, to your Cancer battle in the PICU and the Cancer floors of Advent Health, You have found a way into the hearts of all who know you.

You are still non-verbal, non-mobile and can’t sit on your own. The only food you enjoy comes through your gtube, something your body tolerates very well; You now weigh about 33 lbs. making it difficult for your Mom to lift you for long. I miss our close snuggles on the couch as you would slowly fall asleep in my arms. You have grown so much that you hang off on both sides of my lap and my arm goes to sleep before you do. You much prefer to snuggle with your weighted animals in your own big boy bed. Actually, you still prefer Mom and Dad’s big king-size bed, but they are working to get you to stay in your own bed now.

Your favorite movies are Sing 2, Toy Story 2 (Buzz Lightyear is the best!) and Encanto. Your favorite Children’s programs are Miss Rachel, Blues Clues and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You love listening to your Mom or Papa Tom play drums on any solid surface. When you laugh your whole body follows along lifting both legs up to your belly. Your laughter is contagious.

You are a coffee lover. Every morning you stare at Mom’s coffee hoping she’ll give you a taste or two or three on a spoon. I tried giving you some Cold Brew Coffee Ice Cream and I thought you would never stop smiling. You didn’t know something so good existed.

This week you will begin pre-school two days a week. Mom is a little nervous about leaving you for several hours, but she is ready for some time to herself. It has been a long time since she’s done much of anything without you right by her side, and she has loved every minute. Yet she is tired. We all need rest and this will be her time to do so.

Elias, your birthday yesterday was so much fun. You loved all the attention, the balloons, the karaoke singing, the candles, the opening of presents and most of all–life itself. You embrace every moment as if it is a gift, as we embrace you as our gift and inspiration. Keep pushing forward one small accomplishment at a time. We believe you will do great things.

I love you Elias Angel. Happy Birthday!
