Oklahoma Our Prayers Are With You

The past couple of days have been devastating for Oklahomans. I live in Florida and we face Hurricane season from June until November each year. But nothing can compare to those who live in Tornado Alley. Sure many towns are missed for years, but when one finally sets its course for your spot on the map…there is no place to hide. That is unless you have an underground storm shelter.

Today, Monday, May 20th, a huge storm crossed over parts of Oklahoma City. It hit two elementary schools, and one didn’t have an underground shelter. I am sad. Even though I’ve never lived in the OK state, I feel such a connection with the people, the land, the history, that this hurts so bad. It feels as if one of my own has died.

Would you join me in praying for the those whose lives have been tragically changed forever? It’s easy to grow used to seeing these types of storms on the television, but if WE were the ones devastated by this storm, we would never forget it, would we? God please be with those who have suffered loss. Comfort those who mourn. Heal those who are injured, and bring help where help is needed. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray!

Watch this amazing video of the tornado as it cuts a path across the fruited plain.

I’ve Received The Liebster Blog Award


Rosanna of Writing Prompts From Life nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award, and I am so grateful to her and happily accept the nomination. ‘Liebster’  is a German word that means “beloved.” The origins of the Liebster Blog Award are shrouded in mystery, but what is clear is that the award is given to up and coming bloggers.  Just like most awards, the purpose of the Liebster Blog Award is to inspire bloggers.

When a blogger accepts the award, the blogger has to:

  • 11 facts about her/his self
  • Answer 11 questions from your nominator
  • Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers
  • Leave 11 questions for the nominees to answer

So, in accepting the award, I hereby list 11 facts about myself:

  1. I am a native Floridian.
  2. I have been journaling my life since 1989, and I’m on my 56th volume.
  3. I have a rose garden that grows in pots, but my favorite flower to grow is the dahlia.
  4. I host another blog called Route 66 Club devoted to helping others read the the Bible on a daily basis.
  5. I am a registered Creek Indian–my maternal grandfather was listed in the Dawes Rolls of the Five Civilized Tribes in OK in the late 1800’s.
  6. My favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail.
  7. I love Starbucks Cappuccinos and order them extra hot and wet (meaning less foam and more steamed nonfat milk) 🙂
  8. I had the privilege of homeschooling all three of our children for most of their 13 years of education.
  9. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, who means more to me than anyone else in my life.
  10. A perfect day would be spending it with Tom on the beach listening to the waves break on the shore.
  11. I’m addicted to Words With Friends.

Now for the 11 questions from Rosanna:

  1. What is the best advice you can give bloggers?  Write what’s on your heart and be consistent with your theme. And connect with other bloggers who write to the same audience. This will not only help you grow in your craft, but it will provide you with the support and encouragement you need when you’re tempted to quit.
  2. What would you like to do to make your life more exciting? I’m not sure there is anything my life is lacking in regard to excitement. We are in the process of seeing another life-long dream come true, but I can’t share what it is just yet. 🙂
  3. How often do you engage in a hobby or activity that makes you happy? Daily. My passion is writing. I’ve done it for years privately in my journals, and now God has blessed me with three blogs for which I host and write: The Romantic Vineyard, Debi Gray Walter Author, and Route 66 Club.
  4. List 3 blessings you’ve been gifted with during the day. Health, A husband who loves me, and friendship.
  5. What are your best assets? The grace I’ve been given through Christ, and a heart that longs to please Him in all things. Next would be my faithful husband of 34 years, who is also my best friend in this life.
  6. Why is the world a better place because you live in it? Oh my, I don’t think it’s my place to answer this question. I’ll wait until the day when hopefully I’ll hear my Heavenly Father say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” The Bible says to let another praise you and not your own mouth–enough said!
  7. How are you today? Content.
  8. How can you show love for yourself today? I do this without thinking. It’s love for others that I must work on. 
  9. Have you given yourself a pat on the back for a job or chore that you did well? Yes, finishing and publishing Through The Eyes Of Grace. A 25 year dream come true!
  10. How does winning this award make you feel? Grateful.
  11. What can you do today to make yourself feel better? Start a regular exercise plan. I took out my yoga mat this morning and I’m hoping to give it a go once again!

Now it’s my turn to nominate 9 bloggers for this award. I couldn’t come up with 11 blogs to nominate! But the following are excellent!

  1. Life On The Lighter Side
  2. NonGMO Journal
  3. Growing Up Triplets
  4. Never Once Have I Ever Walked Alone
  5. All Of Grace
  6. Gluten Free With Julie B
  7. The Walter Family
  8. Gina Lillycrop Designs
  9. Morning By Morning

Below are my 11 questions I would ask the above bloggers to answer:

  1. What motivated you to start your blog?
  2. What is your favorite post you’ve written? Why?
  3. Who is your greatest support in doing what you do?
  4. If you had a day completely to yourself with no responsibilities, what would you do?
  5. Where is your favorite vacation spot?
  6. What is a favorite memory you have from one of your grandparents?
  7. If you were to write your auto-biography what would the title be?
  8. Do you blog mostly for yourself or for your audience?
  9. Do you keep a journal? Why or why not?
  10. What is the best advice you can give to someone who is just starting to blog?
  11. List three blessings for which you are grateful to God?

Now that was fun. I can’t wait to let my blogger friends know about their nomination. When you write your post, please come back and link-up to this post. That way we’ll all get to read your responses. Have a blessed day!

A Short Love Story

Photo Credit: curvewire.com

Photo Credit: curvewire.com

Today I want to share with you a short story I wrote awhile ago. I’ve posted it on The Romantic Vineyard, since it’s a love story. But it also fits well with this blog on family history. I hope it stirs in your memory similar stories you’ve heard from parents or grandparents. Be sure your children and grandchildren know these stories, for it’s part of who they are. Knowing them also gives them direction for who they’ll become.

Click on the following title to read the story:

Vito’s Coffee Shop

Making The National Day Of Prayer Personal.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. I’m planning to gather with other members of our church around lunchtime and pray for our nation, pray for our church, pray for our families, and anything else the Lord places on our hearts.

Prayer is a part of my life. I am blessed to have access to the Throne of God because of the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf. He came, lived a sinless life and died in my place, so I can say these three words without fear of condemnation: Dear Heavenly Father. What a gift! I pray I won’t neglect such a privilege.

Prayer is a part of my family history. My grandmother, Grace, was a praying woman. My Mom was also devoted to daily prayers to God for each member of our family. When she passed away in December I was quite aware of the absence of her daily care for me in this way. It was sad, but then it motivated me to take on this responsibility for the sake of my family. God is near. He loves for us to cry out to Him in our struggles. My grandmother saw much pain and suffering in her 90 years, yet the pain drew her closer to God–not away from Him. He was her comfort and strong tower.

This brings me to another great question to ask our aging family members…

Questions #23 – What part has prayer played in your life? Did your (grand)parents pray often, and if so what do you remember about them?