Connecting The Dots Of God’s Faithfulness

I had the privilege of speaking to a group of ladies at Bethel Fellowship Church in Minneota, MN, a couple of weeks ago.  Because I’ve journaled for years it has helped me connect the dots allowing me to sometimes see the bigger picture of what God is doing. As I shared this I realized what a gift it is when God allows us to see this.

In Genesis 50, the account of Joseph provides a great example of connecting the dots. Listen to what he says when he gets it:


I love how Joseph humbly weeps realizing how good God was to him through all the pain, hardship and years of waiting with unanswered questions.

Writing Christian historical fiction is like this. It’s telling a story that is set during a time in history that connects the dots of God’s faithfulness to the characters portrayed. What lessons we can teach; what examples we can set; what a privilege it is to do this.
Before we can write about it it helps to experience it for ourselves, writing with the voice of one who has been there.

How have you connected the dots of God’s active work in your life? If you’ve never considered this–ask Him to show you. He loves to make His name and presence known in all the circumstances we face. Those who are looking for His hand will find it was there all along pointing the way.

(Image credit Pinterest)

What Our Fingers Might Say

Woman's hand writing in the journal

My husband and I just returned from a trip to Minnesota where we were asked to speak to a church on marriage and other topics. I was asked to share with their women’s ministry about my life–the field was wide open. I decided to talk about how journaling became such a significant part of my life.

Journaling is easier now than ever–at least the decision to journal is made easier because the plethora of beautiful journals available make keeping a personal journal inviting–but buying a journal and keeping a journal are two different things.

How many journals have you purchased and never used? How can we go from wanting to journal to actually doing it?

I think the answer comes down to how you answer the why of journaling.

“Why, then, do I set before You an ordered account of so many things? it’s certainly not through me that You know them. But I’m stirring up love for You in myself and in those who read this so that we may all say, great is the Lord and highly worthy to be praised. I tell my story for love of Your love.”
― Augustine of HippoConfessions

I have found that after decades of keeping a journal it helps me connect-the-dots of God’s faithfulness in my own life. He accomplishes what He sets out to do. All.the.time. Yet we often miss it because we forget. Journaling helps me remember dots I’ve previously lived and connect them to today.

And it’s more than that…

“This is what you do when you journal. You are recording God’s grand, epoch-spanning redemptive story as it unfolds in your limited, temporal sphere of existence here on earth. Your journal has the potential to record the continuation of the Holy Spirit’s work in our world!”
― Adam L. FeldmanJournaling: Catalyzing Spiritual Growth Through Reflection

I have a personal conviction from God to keep a journal. And this is what fuels my discipline in this regard.

It’s this way with all things of a life-changing nature. We set out to do something new because we’re compelled that it will make a lasting difference in our lives. Consider the conviction it took for us to…

  • Get married
  • Choose who we would marry
  • Change careers
  • Start a family
  • Accept Christ as our Savior
  • Move to a new city/state/country

I realize that journaling is a much smaller decision to make than the ones listed above. Journaling won’t change your life in the way these bullet-points will, but it will change how you view your life. I’ve found that when I think with my fingers it helps my mind not only remember my thoughts, but it gives me a different vantage point from which to consider. I change as a result.

When was the last time you sat and considered your life and the circumstances currently challenging you? Why not take that beautiful journal off the shelf and write what’s on your heart? Your fingers may have a lot to say.

PC: Miss Creative Journaler blog