Like A Mom To Me

Mother’s Day used to be a day we celebrated without much thought. Each year our Moms were there. Each year our kids were with us. It was so routine I didn’t appreciate it until everything changed. Now Mother’s Day is more of a challenge to guard my thoughts and watch my attitude. Because it’s so easy to take the spiraling downward emotional roller coaster of self-pity and discouragement.

Within the past five years my two older kids moved to other states and my Mom took her last breath in this life. Now Mother’s Day is a holiday fraught with temptations of all sorts.

But this year is different. God has planned a very special surprise for me. I’m hosting my First Ladies retreat of 2016 beginning on Sunday, and on Tuesday I got a phone call from my mentor and friend who has been like a spiritual mom to me my entire adult life. She said God made it clear He wanted her to come to my retreat!

So, on Sunday I will be able to spend extended time with my dear friend and I am grateful to God for taking thought of me.

Happy Mother’s Day!