The First Command With A Promise


This week we were watching The Tonight Show with host, Jimmy Fallon, when he did something that brought tears to my eyes. I don’t want to spoil it for you, so take a moment and listen in as he shares this special bit of his family’s history…

Honoring our parents for the sacrifices they have made for us is fitting, and it’s Biblical. 

“Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”

(Ephesians 6:2-3 ESV)

Do you know stories about your parents’ or grandparents’ that are worthy of honor? If you don’t, why not ask them a few questions and find out. Most of our elders don’t like to talk about themselves, UNLESS they know we really want to hear it. Starting the conversation with a good question is the best way to convince them of our interest in them. Not sure what to ask? This is why I’ve provided a list of questions in the back of my book, Through The Eyes Of Grace, to help you in discovering their stories, which are ultimately your stories.

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • Did you ever meet anyone famous? How did this come about?
  • Did you serve in the military? If so, what is one thing you’ll never forget about that time in your life?
  • Have you ever received any awards or commendations for service in the military or elsewhere? Tell me about it.

Everyone has a story to tell, but for them to be remembered someone has to take the time to listen. I encourage you to do so before there’s no one left to ask.