Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park

View from our townhome

Our final day on this amazing road trip of a lifetime.

We arrived on Sunday to our beautiful townhouse in Estes Park. The view from the balcony was just a snippet of what we were to see the next day.

We had secured our timed entry pass at 9 a.m. and surprisingly we were nearly on time.

We took the Trailhead Loop which nearly encircles the whole park. We climbed to 12,200 feet, which is above the tree line. The weather was cold and extremely windy. The views? Amazing!

The trail ended at Grand Lake, Colorado, where we had a picnic in the town park. Afterward, we had to turn around and drive back the way we came. All in all it was about a 5 hour drive. Beautiful coming or going.

The aspen trees were in peak color providing such breathtaking beauty. Every turn we saw more of God’s glorious creation!

The pictures speak for themselves…

Golden Aspen
Sisters ❤️
Climbing to 12,000’
Peak – elevation on Tom’s phone
Descent to the valley
Beautiful Stellar Jay
Grand Lake, CO
Last night God provided this stunning rainbow

Thank you, God for allowing us to have this time away as a family. We laughed, we ate, we teased each other (S.U.B.) 😂 We took lots of pictures and ate lots of good food and ice cream. We visited 4 states—Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Nebraska in 7 days. We drove 1300 miles and took hundreds of photos! Nebraska was a bonus state for us, where we drove to Chadron one day for lunch, just so we could say we’d been there. And the Mexican Restaurant was one of our favorite meals—well worth the hour drive South.

Adios, until next time