Sound of Silence

Heather, Tracy and Jason 1990

Homeschool Days

I was privileged to home-school our three children for most of their education, which opened the door for me as their teacher to learn too. What I loved the most about teaching was the ability to have interest-led learning; where we studied things my kids were interested in for as long as they wanted to learn about it. One favorite unit study we did was all about the ear and hearing–science, history and inventions, It had a lasting impact on all of us.

Helen Keller’s story as told in The Miracle Worker, showed what it was like to not be able to hear, see or talk from birth. But once this door of communication was unlocked for Helen by her teacher, Anne Sullivan, she began to understand how to learn. From that point on, Helen was voracious to discover everything about her world–A true miracle.

Benefits of Knowing Sign Language

In high school the private school we joined offered ASL. Our two daughters both took it and our oldest became quite proficient, even teaching the high school students’ class after she graduated.

At age 16 Tracy was hired to care for a young girl who was deaf from birth and also unable to eat, walk or talk. It was her Mom’s desire for her to learn how to communicate using sign language. This was such an opportunity for Tracy to understand more about those who are deaf. She grew in her love for and care of Lindsay and enjoyed helping her learn.

Disability in our Family

Fast forward to 2020 when Elias joined our family. We are so grateful he can hear, but he still is working hard to learn how to talk. He can say “hi” and “nay” (Nana) quite well, and we have faith as his story unfolds he will be able to speak. If Helen could learn to talk without hearing, we believe Elias can too.

Why post about this? Yesterday I saw a commercial about a football player who is deaf; you read that right. New technology from AT & T 5G is making it possible for those who are deaf to be able to play football. They say it is leveling the playing field for deaf athletes. What wonderful news. Following is the commercial you can watch. But grab a tissue–it made me cry.

Benefits of Technology

How exciting to see the advances being made for those who are born without one or more of their five senses. Our grandson has all of his senses, but he can’t walk or talk. We believe technology will play a part in his learning to walk. So much is possible for the good of those who are different from the norm. And these stories are powerful to hear.

Today I am much more grateful for things I used to take for granted. The most basic of senses are a gift we’ve been given by God. Let’s use them well and break the sound of silence by speaking to those who are different and letting them know we see them and that they matter.

Helen never heard a word in her life, yet her story has reached millions since she was born.

Meme cred: Brainy Quote