Her last birthday in 2013, age 90,
at Lakeside Inn in Mt. Dora, FL

My mom would have been 102 today.

I miss her so much it’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since she’s been gone.

She missed meeting 9 more great grandchildren as well as her three grandkids’ spouse’s. I may have gotten those numbers wrong, but the point is…

…so much life has happened since her death.

I was telling Elias today how much “Gigi” would have loved him as well as Vito (10), Brielle (10), Phoebe (8). And the same goes for his daddy, whom my Mom never met. Although she prayed for him for years.

My brother joined her and my Dad 2 and a half years ago, which is hard to believe.

I don’t have much to say that hasn’t been said in previous posts. But this I now know:

Grief is a journey that has no destination until one day when those who love Jesus will be reunited together with Christ forever.

While we await that day Mom, this song is my heart’s cry. Happy Birthday!