South Dakota Wildlife

Anyone who knows my sister knows she loves all animals. That’s why I had to devote a post to the animals she adored on this trip.

Look at that smile 😊

I’ve mentioned the prairie dogs already, but I didn’t share the benefit they provide to the prairie. If they lived in our yards we would call them pests. But here the way they burrow in the ground turning up the roots of the rich grasses, helps the larger wildlife eat the rich nutrients with ease.

Prairie Dog Towns

I love that.

We also saw for the first time antelopes in the wild. This one was among the bison and the prairie dogs minding her own business. Of course my sister and I started singing, “Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play.” 😂

These were all taken in Custer State Park, the largest state park in the country. It covers 71,000 acres filled with all sorts of wildlife.

When we got to the Bison Center we were surprised to see wild burros, as they called them, in the parking lot. My sister couldn’t wait to get up close to pet them. And they were just as happy to greet her.

Of course she made friends with him

We spotted this wild one hiding behind a rock…

It was a beautiful day. We kept thanking God for the perfect weather and for allowing us to enjoy His creation together.

I’ll close with this video of the prairie dogs chattering as we passed.

It’s hard to believe we still have more to see. Next time we’ll share our experience seeing the Crazy Horse Memorial.

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